This is a very short piece today as I’m feeling emotional while writing this.

I know we always use the old clich’e “life is too short” I have just come to realise that life REALLY and TRULY is way too short!

What is the point worrying about what others think about you? Do they pay your rent, feed you, clothe you? If the answer is NO then why on earth would you worry?

I’ve had to learn the hard way. All my life I’ve worried about how folks perceived me. It concerned me as I’ve always wanted to be that good person, you know, subservient, not let anyone down, always there for others. Don’t get me wrong, I am still that same person as that is part of my personality that I cannot change anytime soon. However my views have changed drastically.

Do whatever makes you feel happy and believe me you will be happy!

I feel my ultimate goal is to be happy. What is the point when you have acquired everything you need in life but you are not happy. How can you make another person happy if you are not happy 🤷🏽‍♀️. I feel sometimes we need reminding. We live in a fast society where we are always in a rush and people don’t have time for each other. We are constantly under pressure that we forget the most simple and important things in life, TIME. We are all guilty of it! Spend time with a loved one, pick up the phone, let someone know you care and love them. Be happy and be happy for them.

Do not let anyone get in the way of your happiness. Call them out, rebuke them, they are “enemy of progress” as we would say in Nigeria.

Learn to communicate, express yourself, tell someone how you feel today as tomorrow could be too late.

Did I say this was going to be a very short piece 🤦🏽‍♀️ oh well

Life really isn’t promised to us so go live your best life……

RIP aunty Priscilla🙏🏾🌹


Ok people if you were celebrating your 50th birthday, how would you mark it? We know 50 is a massive milestone so would you go to town with it example have a big massive party? By a new car? spend everything on yourself? Fulfill some of your bucket list?

Some folks just don’t know how to celebrate, without mentioning any names, my brother’s cough cough. Celebrating your birthday is an acknowledgement of ones existents. Go on have a social gathering or enjoyable activity, sky dive, hey do a run for charity like my friend Marian if you wish because guess what?


I have already been asked whether I’m having a big party 🤔.

I’ve had loads of parties in the past, trust me those ones when you hear the birds singing in the early hours of the morning and the music is still blowing.

I’m so over it!

Back in the day 50 sounded ancient however I believe 50 is the new 30 so I wouldn’t worry about being middle age 😩

What gets me right now is when filling out a form and looking at the age bracket I’m like 🙈 I don’t like to see the number 50. I console myself by thinking “you’re as young as the young one feeling you 😂😉”

So don’t wait till you’re 50 to celebrate, believe me some folks haven’t made it to that age!



Ok, let me be candid about this. Well I can’t lie I’ve dated a younger man before (There I’ve said it) not just for the sake of it but for the fact that I am always getting mistaken for being younger than I am. I obviously have to be attracted to him in the first place though. At the end of the day I can’t help the way I look 🤷🏽‍♀️

Don’t think it’s always a compliment because it’s not especially when you have to whip out your ID for proof. Over the years I’ve been stopped from entering a bar, going to a Casino questioned before buying alcohol, it can be very annoying!

Anyway let’s get back to the topic!

well I recently got chatted up by a 27 year old man at a bar 😳 I was like “NO NO NO” how can I even think about it when my own daughter is older than him. I know I’ve said “Age Is Nothing but a number” but let’s be real here, there should be some limits and boundaries jheezee 🙄

This is not a cradle snatching thing .

This one is going out to the guys however ladies please let’s hear your opinion on this. Be honest would you date a younger man? 😉

We are not here to judge, it’s just a topic of discussion.

Would you date an older woman? If so what would be the reason?

Men do it all the time and no one bats an eyelid. But women do it, they are labelled ‘Cougars’ and all sorts of names.

Women what would be your age limit if you were to date a younger man? Come on spit it out you know you want to 😝

A few celebrities have done it like…

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon-1
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon


Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher
Eva Longoria and Tony Parker
Vivica A Fox and Promoter Slimm, 19 years her junior

I can see some Nigerian men saying “God forbid” clicking their fingers over their heads (it’s a Nigerian thing)

What do you say?


Why do people always assume that I’m from the Caribbean?

This has been going on way before I had my locs by the way. This week alone 2 people assumed I was from the Caribbean and they were very surprised when I said I wasn’t 🤔

Do I not look Nigerian enough?

What does a Nigerian look like? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Have you ever been mistaken from your original nationality?

Should you feel offended and does it really matter?


There are loads of anti-aging creams on the market but do they really work?

What is the best age to start using anti-aging creams?

Would you consider botox? No judging here, I believe in doing what makes you happy and gives you confidence!

This is going out to everyone not just the ladies.

Come on share your views…..


Had a great game of badminton this morning with the gang. I love badminton and have played for years. It’s a great sport and gets the endorphins flowing. I’m very competitive and love a challenge. Some great players in the team today. I played doubles and proud to say I won 7 games out of 8 😜

Get active, not just for summer, make it your routine to be active all year round……


About to leave to go clubbing with my people. Is there an age limit where you have to hang up your dancing shoes? 🤷🏽‍♀️

I absolutely love dancing if the right jam is playing.

At this rate I think I might be up at the club with my Zimmer frame 🤣🤣

Remember folks dancing is another form of exercise, it’s a win win situation, getting fit and enjoying yourself 🤪


Everyone that knows me knows that I’m a professional when it comes to napping. I can nap anywhere, on the bus, plane, train, at work (during lunch break😉)damn i’ll nap on my bike if I have to. I don’t even need a quite place, just an area where I can twist up myself sideways, cover my face and we have lift off 🤣. Now this does not mean I don’t sleep at night, on the contrary, I get a good 7 hours sleep. Sleep is very important and naps can supports in keeping your skin youthful 😉

Get napping😴😴